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New Website: Improved user experience, more functionality and better integration

Published at June 23 2023

Our previous website has been significantly overdue for an update as our product lineup and goals have shifted over the years. In early 2022 we started development on an entirely new website that would be built from scratch and use our new core system with our goal to have better integration and possibilities to develop innovative new features.

One Website

royalehosting.net is now the only website that can be used to order and manage services, in the past royalehosting.nl was a seperate website that also allowed ordering and managing services which caused confusion for some users. We have now merged both websites into one. All the services that were previously available on royalehosting.nl are now available on royalehosting.net and you’re able to login with your royalehosting.nl account on royalehosting.net.

New Features

With the first release of our website we’ve focused on implementing most features that were available on our previous website without many new features to ensure a smooth transition. However we have added a few new features such as:

  • Drastically improved user-experience.
  • New Modern UI
  • New Product Lineup
  • Improved VPS configurator
  • Easier way to renew services
  • Adjusted price when ordering for longer periods

Features to come

In the comming months we will be working on implementing new features and improving existing features such as:

  • Shield account syncronization
  • Automatic Dedicated Server provisioning
  • IP Manager
  • Billing API
  • Dedicated Server Configurator
  • Improved alert system
  • Language localization

New Design

Our new website has been designed from the ground up to be more informative and representative of our brand with a user-centric approach, intuitive and efficient navigation system, better accesability and an overall sleek and moderen design.


When building the new website we opted to use bleeding edge technologies and step away from more traditional technologies such as PHP. We’ve made this descision to future proof our website and ensure high performance and scalability.

New Lineup

We have made the decision to discontinue product categories that do not align with RoyaleHosting’s direction. Additionally, we have introduced new products to our dedicated lineup, complete with updated pricing. This change anticipates the arrival of instant deployment servers. Moreover, we have included previously available but unsold categories like colocation on our website.


We expect the site to have many bugs and issues in the first few weeks, if you find any you can contact us via the site or in discord.

Posted by Dries Degreef